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Naam Meditation is a joyful form of meditation that uses breath, sound, intention, mindfulness and hand postures to give remarkable results.  The word Naam is equivalent to the western concept of "Word", so Naam Meditation is basically Word meditation.  





Naam uses the human voice combined with a devotional approach in meditation to develop the ability to observe ones thoughts without becoming entangled in them.  By doing so one develops the ability to resolve situations experienced previously, which although in the past, are still impacting the person's reality in the present.  Naam Meditation stimulates the Thalamus (sensory input), Hypothalamus (autonomous nervous system & amygdala), Pituitary Gland (controls glandular system) and Pineal Gland (peoples feeling of connectedness and circadian rhythms) to create a synchronization between these 4 important glands. By doing so, one stimulates the frontal lobe of the brain to overcome negative reactions and develop a personality that is pleasant, tolerant, resilient to stress and negativity




Naam Meditation, or meditation on the "Sound Current", "Divine Name" or "Word" has been around since the earliest of times. It is a universal practice that has been written about through the ages by great sages and mystics from both eastern and western traditions.


In the Ramayana, the great epic of Hinduism written circa 500BC, it is written, "Naam was the ruling means for spiritual liberation in all four ages; In Kalyug especially, there is no other means." Adding, "Those that repeat the Naam are blessed."   The Kalyug, also called the Kali Yug, is the specific time in which we find ourselves. More recently, the Hindu poet-saint, Goswami Tulsidas (Circa 1500AD), has said, "Kalyug Kewal Naam Adhara, (Simar-Simar Nar) Utarahin Para" which means  "in the Age of Kali Yug, it is only by vibrating Naam will human beings sail through the deep sea of the world. Only Naam will give bliss, peace and liberation. 


It is this same Naam or Word that is referred to in the Gospel of Saint John (circa 01 BC) when stated, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."


Guru Nanak himself (Born in 1469 & The founder of Sikhism), has said that "only those that recite the Naam are liberated and peaceful."

It is Naam referred to in the Gospel of Saint John when stated, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." 


Everything comes from the Word. Everything comes from Naam. The same theme runs across all sacred scriptures. All the powers of the Universe are contained in Naam, which is the Logos - the Verbum. And it is the repetition of Naam that is vital in this karmic Age, which the Vedas refer to as the Kali Yug.




Naam Meditation aligns the mind body spirit connection so that the practitioner can experience internal balance and relief from many physical, emotional and mental ailments.


Physically speaking Naam Balances and harmonizes the glandular system, nervous system and blood chemistry to create lasting health. 


Emotionally speaking, Naam addresses the root subconscious emotional states that create depression, fear, anger, worry, oversensitivity, and other negative emotional states such as anxiety, grief, sadness, lust, rage, doubt and leaves in their place the positive attributes,  freedom, peace of mind, faith, confidence, trust, security and ultimately happiness, joy and a deep feeling of fulfillment.


At the level of the mind, Naam helps remove negativity from the mind, including self sabotaging thoughts, self limiting beliefs and destructive mental thoughts and self identifications and in its place Naam Meditation leaves a mind free from clutter, destructive chatter, obsessive thoughts, compulsions, and negative mental conditioning based on traumas.  Instead of reliving those traumas, leading to self-sabotage, those who practice Naam are able to resolve them and create positive outlooks on life and the future.  


Sound to good to be true?  Don't believe a word we say.  Try the practice for yourself and see what results you experience. 





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